It’s so freaking cold in RL right now. I have compensated by buying ALL THE JACKETS AND COATS AND SWEATERS in SL. Totally logical.

In this look I am sporting the new earmuffs from Buttery Toast. They will be available at the next round of The Dressing Room (starts November 21st)! You can customize the color of multiples parts of the ear muffs to make yours unique! The coat & skirt is from The Sugar Garden, the cute mini wellies are from Friday and both can be found at the Kawaii Project. The scarf from Geek and the freebie nailpolish from Bella Elephante are available at the November round of Oneword.

on guin:
hair: Olive – the song *new* at Kustom9
hair bow: Olive – the sweet bow *new* at Kustom9
ear muffs: Buttery Toast – Toasty Ears – White *new* at the next The Dressing Room (starts the 21st!!)
head & skin: the sugar garden – mizu X tone
eyes: s0ng – yuki – peach *new* at Kustom9
fingernails: bella elephante – autumn *new* at Oneword *group gift*
jacket & skirt: the sugar garden – puffy coat *new* at Kawaii Project
scarf & ear buds: geek – you’re a wizard – pink *new* at Oneword
tights: izzies – lace overknee socks
leg pouch: Akorat – LegPouch-SimpleSILVER (part of the kawaii mini hunt) *free*
shoes: friday – cutie wellies – *new* at Kawaii Project
hands, feet & body: slink
poses by infiniti.