Barks and Beers + Powder Pack News!

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There is only one day left to register for the Powder Pack before the price jumps from 1,500L to 3,000L!

Be sure to reserve your box today, see the Powder Pack website for details!

hair & horns: Ayashi – Eriko *new* at The Gacha Guardians
head: CATWA – Dyana
skin: Atomic – Elf
eyes: ARISE – Joyce Eyes *new* at The Chapter Four
moles: Veechi – Moles *new* at Anybody
necklace: MINIMAL – Garcia Necklace
outfit: Atomic – Tinsel Party
boots: Essenz – New York *new* at The Seasons Story
fox: JIAN – Held Red Fox *new* for FLF
corgie: JIAN Beach Corgis – Companion

poses by infiniti – chill. photos taken at The Winchester.