New post! Not all of these events are open to the public yet. The Fantasy Collective opens on the 22nd and 20Twenty opens on the 20th. Everything else you can get your hands on now!
on guin
hair: elikatira – Khloe *new* at The Epiphany
skin: Angelica – BOMI *new* at The Kawaii Project
eyes: Angelica – baby eyes *new* at The Seasons Story
scarf: Lazybones – Cozywool Outfit *new* at Tres Chic
outfit: Lazybones – Cozywool Outfit *new* at Tres Chic
ring: Blah – Pizza Time *new* at The Dressing Room
socks: friday – lazy socks *new* at Wayward Winter
shoes: friday – vega booties *new* at Kustom9
purse: 187 – Chameleon Bag Beige *new* and soon to The Fantasy Collective
poses and coffee prop by elephante poses – sweetest devotion.
house: Dust Bunny – Sleepless Attic *new* at Collabor88
tree: Bokeh – Nightwish Tree Mahogany *new* at The Seasons Story
tables: Ama – Stump Stand V1 *new* and soon for 20Twenty
deer: Half Deer – Flutterby Deer Fauxidermy
moon: Les Sucreries de Fairy – Dans Les Nuages *new* and soon to The Fantasy Collective (pose prop, rezzed)
cat: darkendStare- The Cattening Cupcake Lazy
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