August Collabor88 & Modish

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hair: lamb *new* at collabor88
eyes: mayfly *free*
skin: modish *new* at reefs color fair (ty! ♥)
dress: the secret store *new* at collabor88
garter w/ flask: fashionably dead *new* at collabor88
shoes: deco
knife: custom made for me by my favorite Obleeee!


poses by zzang.

Collabor88 May – Gone Sea Punk

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Someone (a tiny lil gator tot) told me this outfit was very “sea punk” and then showed me this video.


hair: laviere *new* at collabor88
bow: off the wall
skin: rozena
lashes: essences
eyeshadow: ag cosmetics
nails: rezipsa loc
top: teefy *new* at collabor88
skirt: boom *new* at collabor88
shoes: baiastice
bangles: glow studio (left), teefy (right)

poses by marukin, dont freak out