Kawaii Stripes & Kawaii Dots

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I decided to join in the meme fun! I picked the procrastination meme from Strawberry Singh’s site.


Meme Instructions: Create a new post, copy paste the following ten questions into your post, delete my answers and input your own about your SLife!

What is the rez date for your current SL Avatar that you use most often? Guinevere Kirshner – October 17, 2006 though I only played a handfull of times before 2008.
Where was the first place you made friends as a newb and got to know people in Second Life? Alt7 haha
Where do you spend most of your SL time now? On me and the Cheets land. Little Conch Isles.
Who is your closest friend in Second Life? (only pick one) xSaraho Mornington, Ima Cheetah (I don’t follow rules).
What is the most favorite thing in your inventory? My Turkey cutout. If you see a giant orange cat randomly placed around SL, that’s him!
What color clothing does your avatar wear most often? Peeeeeeeeeenk!
Do you prefer to walk, run or fly? Run! I have lots of silly runs in my AO.
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in SL? Nothing I do in SL is sane.
Who would you like to play YOU, in the movie of your SLife? Zooey Dechanele

hair: chemistry
skin: the sugar garden
brows: la malvada mujer
mole: sugar heart
heart tattoo: pekka
necklace: yummy (ty Cheets! HUMP BUDDIES FOR LIFE <3) outfit: bubble electric clutch: retro knee tattoo: ufo shoes: gos poses by unorthodox poses new at soho market!

Week 38 – Patriarch

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Geez… 38 weeks… so much has happened in both lives since I started doing this challenge! I’ve noticed that my blog posts have gotten less & less intricate as my life has gotten busier & busier!

I think I am finally happy with my new shape.. or it could just be the new summer skin from curio that i <3. FTLO is having a SUMMERTIME hunt... and my bff/wifey Sars made some really cute kool-aid goodies for the hunt.. so be sure to check that out.

hair: fashionably dead
hair accessory: nushru
skin: curio
makeup: addict
nailpolish: reale
dress: ufo
necklace & kool-aid props: sars
shoes: veschi (old)