Any blogger knows that it never fails.. you finally get some time to do a blog post and then you seem to be in high demand amongst your buddies. My friends are the best. I probably would have left SL earlier this year if it weren’t for them. So when Gator asked for a TP while I was taking snaps for this post, I figured a little more reptilian skin couldn’t hurt, right? If you have ever met him you know he likes to jump on heads, so I had to tell him to cut that shit out for a second while I snapped a few pics of us. 😀

On Guin:
hair: laviere
skin: modish *new* at puppet fair (ty ♥)
lips: modish (ty ♥)
lashes: l fauna
liner: kooqla
top: teefy
necklace: mustache (old hunt item)
ring left: north west
bracelet left: miam miam
bracelet right: gotzsche
pants: traphouse collective (ty ♥)
shoes: chloe
On Gator:
a gator, duh!
pose by croire
and then this happened:
Gator Tot: HUMP!
Gator Tot: your boobs have a moustache
Awww I highly recommend getting a tiny gator blogging buddy.. but.. FIND YOUR OWN! ♥ ♥ ♥