Birds & Bee’s & ColdLogic in Spring

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It All Starts With a Smile is such a beautiful sim! I was in a hurry to take pics today and only managed to see half of it, but I was very impressed. Be sure to check it out.


hair: wasabi pills *new* at whore couture
crown: hollipocket *new* at luck of the irish gacha fair
skin & moles: essences *new* at TDR fusion
freckles: buzzeri *new* at kustom9
necklace: leonard *new*
bracelet: bens beauty
top & skirt: cold logic *new*
tights: chary
shoes: faux *new* limited edition at fifriday

poses by elephante poses *new*


March Kustom9, Collabor88 & More

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on mah boddeh:
hair: wasabi pills *new* at whore couture fair
hair accessory: nylon outfitters (older item)
skin: pink fuel *new* at adore and abhor birthday event
eyes: mayfly
freckles: buzzeri *new* at kustom9
neck tattoo: pekka
top: motiami *new* at kustom9
skirt: motiami *new* at kustom9
socks: chary
shoes: the secret store *new* at collabor88

pose by elephante poses *new* at serapfilms.


Hearts in Second Life

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It’s been a while! As usual I was interrupted by RL. My new job is going great, I can’t really go into much detail but I can say this: Last night I got to hear a child say “suck my butt!!” and I could not contain the laughter. That almost made me want to have children. ALMOST!

Since I have been so busy I haven’t been able to do a lot of shopping, and I have been wearing this outfit for like three weeks. Shameful, eh? It was my Vday outfit, but I do wear hearts all the time anyway… Soo.


On Guin:
hair: little bones *new* at chapter four (ty ♥)
skin: the sugar garden *group gift*
eyes: the sugar garden
brows: buzzeri
cheeks: miasnow *group gift* (not sure if this is a new or old subscribo gift, check her store!)
top: moon
nails: elephante poses *new* at slink west (50% off! only $38L/$50L fatpack! preview below!) (ty ♥)
hands: slink
turkey cat: intrigue co *new* at the arcade
skirt: lacuna inc (ty ♥)
tights: lacuna inc (ty ♥)
shoes: bcc

poses by infiniti. (ty ♥)
