Candy Fair Preview!

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The Candy Fair will open to the public this weekend! I’m going to include SLurls to the sims in this post so you will have them, but you won’t be able to get in until Oct 4th. There are so many nom-tastic creations at the event, just the sim alone will make you want some sweet, sweet candy.

Here’s a preview of some of the goodies:


On the Left:
hair: laviere
horns: kawaii *new* at the candy fair!
skin: the sugar garden
eyes: mayfly
dress: berries inc *new* at the candy fair!
tights: tea s *new* at the candy fair!
shoes: bcc
necklace: tea s *new* at the candy fair!
purse: miwardrobe *new* at the candy fair!
ice cream: mango cheeks *new* at the candy fair!
bracelet L: maxi gossamer
bracelets R: yumyums

On the Right:
hair: magika
crown: essences *new* at the candy fair!
skin: the sugar garden
eyes: mayfly
top/dress: lavandachic *new* at the candy fair!
leggings: sugar heart
shoes: rachel breaker *new* at omgacha!

poses and gumball props by infiniti *new* at the candy fair!

and the SLurls as promised: Candy Fair Sim 1 * Candy Fair Sim 2 * Candy Fair Sim 3

Thank you to all the creators ♥!

Giga Puddi!

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All I could think when I saw this dress was………..PUDDI PUDDI! PUDDDI PUDDI!

On Guin
hair: laviere
skin: tokyo girl *new* (ty ♥)
eyes: mayfly
collar: pididdle
dress: yulicie
owl & poses: imeka *new* at the seasons story.
bracelet L: yumyums
bracelet R: tea s *new* at marquis market (still one more day left if you haven’t been!!)
knee tattoo: ufo
shoes: fashionably dead

poses by imeka.

Modish & The Seasons Story

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Hi! Today I am blogging another great skin from Modish as well as some super cute pants from The Seasons Story. PINK PINK PINK.


On Guin:
hair: laviere
skin: modish *new* (ty ♥)
eyes: mayfly
glasses: emi *new* (exclusive to the marquis market) (ty ♥)
top: teefy
snood: teefy
bracelets: yumyums *new* at stalkerazzi
pants: bcc *new* at the seasons story
shoes: gos

poses by marukin!