Hair Fair 2013 MegaPost!

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I’ve got some more hair fair goodness to show you.


First up is sugarsmack! I lovelovelove hairs with bangs. These hairs come in a huge range of colors and ombre tones. I love the sugar ombre packs the most, I think.. they are all so lovely it is kind of difficult to pick a favorite. 😀


Next we have ison! These hairs are so adorable and there are a ton of color combinations in the color packs so be sure to test out the demos.


And for the final store, here is pritty with more cutenesss! The hair accessories are so my style.. love these!

the rest of what I am wearing:
skin & lashes: essences *new* at collabor88
tops: all from traphouse collective *new*

Hair Fair – Cloud

Hair Fair – Harbour

Hair Fair – Brickness

Hair Fair – Port

Silver Kitty Princess

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I saw these tights on flickr and had. to. have. They have kitties on them! Face on the front and tail on the back. I was going to queue up a lot of blog posts today because, well, I’m actually not busy for once and my computer has been fighting me every step of the way (seriously from wireless card, to SL, to PS..SLAP!) so I am giving up after this post… You win for now, computer.


skin: ugly duck
liner: essences
hair: elikatira
crown: laviere
top: fashionably dead
nails: miasnow
bracelet left: ison
ring left: north west
bracelet right: maubray
ring right: lagyo
skirt: vive9
tights: jim
shoes: vive9

Check out a close up of the jewelry:

Black Birds and Worlds End

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The Worlds End Garden is one of my favorite places in SL.. soo pretty and creative! I wasn’t planning on doing a blog post today because I’ve been busybusy, but I snapped a few pictures there and figured why not?!


Out of the four pictures I took there, two were with closed eyes.. go figure! But I kinda like this one.

hair: truth
flower: lagyo
skin: essences
eyeshadow: glance
dress: ison
necklace: glow studio
stache on a stick: bingo
ring: north west
tattoo: umeboshi
shoes: gos

poses by marukin.

Fourth time is a charm?

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That’s a thing, right?  Oh.. it isn’t?  Well.. this is the fourth domain I’ve had this site hosted under and hopefully this will be the last.  What better way to celebrate the new than to have an update with my best in-world buddy?!!? Meet Cheet. She’s the bee’s knees.


I love love love pastels. Lately most of my SL outfits have been inspired by some of the kawaii tumblr’s I follow and this one is no different. On to the good shit:

guin and cheet get their fashion on

On Cheets (left)
hair: lamb
skin: the sugar garden
eyes: mayfly
makeup: blah.
necklace: dossier
top: ison
skirt: the sea hole *new* at collabor88
shoes: gos

On Guin (right)
hair: lamb
skin: glam affair *new* at tdr fusion
eyes: fateeyes
makeup: cheap makeup, sugar heart
nail polish: rezipsaloc
bow: boom
dress: beetlebones
tattoo: ufo
shoes: gos

poses by glitterati, dfo!

I totally have to come clean… I saw the dress I am wearing on okkbye’s flickr feed earlier and loved it! I am also in love with the new shoes from GOS (so is Cheets). Now taking applications for a sugar daddy who will buy me a pair in every color! 😀

Also I am looking for link trades!! The only requirement is that your blog is in some way related to SL, it doesn’t have to be a fashion blog! If you are interested please leave a comment here or on my flickr or send me a message in-world (Guinevere Kirshner).