Buttery Toast Birthday Sale and Newness!!

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Buttery Toast is having a birthday sale! Yay! The sale starts today and goes through November 1st. Happy Birthday Faylinn!

Birthday sale

The clutch I am wearing is a new release from Buttery Toast, stop by the sale and grab a bone bag before Halloween is over! I will be so sad when November starts… I have had such a fun time the past few weeks in SL. The parties were great! Durdeedurdedurr! Even if my internet did keep going out on Saturday night, I still had a lot of fun.


hair: little bones – dark chapel *new* at No21
hair accessory: auxiliary – Gacha Purrrfect Headband – Black
eyes: S0NG – Gloom *new* at cosmetic fair
top: tresblah – Banded Cropped Top – Vintage
skirt: even flow – Zip It Skirt *new* item was at Vintage & Cool fair, hopefully in mainstore soon!
bracelet r: FAUN – Broken Hearted Bracelet Set -Onyx-
bracelet l: FAUN – Chain Linked Bracelet -Onyx-
purse: Buttery Toast – Brookies Bone – Black *new*
tights: melonopolis – Ombre Sheer Stockings for Slink Physique *new* at creepy cutie carnival
shoes: Apple May Designs – Bowtie Flats – Grey Polka *new*

poses by infiniti – basic female poses

ps carl poppa is STILL in my head.

Holiday Sweets & Treats Fair in Second Life

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There are soooooo many events going on in SL right now, it is insane! I don’t have the L$’s to keep up. Here is a cutesy candy cane themed holiday post for you! Hope you have a loverly whatever-you-celebrate! Be sure and check out the Holiday Sweets & Treats fair this month! It is at Havendale Village and goes until Dec 31st.


On Guin:
hair: diva
skin: glam affair *new* at the arcade
eyes: mayfly
apron: dg designs *new* at the holiday sweets & treats fair
top: kyoot (old)
pants: ariskea *new* at winter trend sl
socks: tresblah
shoes: dg designs *new* at the holiday sweets & treats fair
bracelet: tea s
candy cane & cookie: chimia *new* at the holiday sweets & treats fair
bear: leonard *group gift* (ty ♥)
hot chocolate: leonard (ty ♥)

poses by elephante poses (ty ♥).


Springtime Outfit from The Chapter Four

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The Chapter Four is a new event that will take place on the 4th of each month and lasts for two weeks. It has four different rooms each with a different theme (gacha, buy one get one, under 100L and half price).


hair: taketomi
skin: modish *new* at 100 block (there is a pic below showing the skin with and without makeup layers)
eyeshadow: chelle
lashes: l fauna
freckles: tresblah
lips: modish
teeth: izzies
nails: rezipsa loc
top: bcc *new* at the chapter four
skirt: ufo
shoes: surf co
clutch: blah

On the left is a close up of the new skin from Modish, Iva, without makeup layers, on the right is Iva with the added makeup layers.

It Finally Feels Like Springtime! & Boo to Website Downtime :(

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The weather is so lovely, but I am going to rant anyway. Lol. This is more like a public service announcement to all of my fellow broke-ass bloggers.

If you are using a free webhost (in my case it was 000webhost.com) to host your blog you may want to do some research on their company. My site was down for DAYS and I have been dealing with probably the most ridiculous tech support staff in the world. Basically they hijacked my site for a TOS violation that never happened. Then they wanted me to pay (upgrade) in order to get my site back (doesn’t make sense, does it??). Since I didn’t have a backup of the database and I knew I would have to recreate the last 10 or so posts… and I just DONOT have time for that right now… I bit the bullet and paid for a month of service so I can just download everything I need and start moving forward! I’ve decided to go with HostGator this time because I have heard great things. It is not free, but I am over getting dicked around by shady webhosting companies.

Gah, ok, on to the actual blog post that I’ve been waiting to put up all week (sorry for the hiatus and hope you like the looks!!):


Look 1 (left)

hair: laviere *new* at collabor88
skin: modish *new* at whore couture
makeup: modish *new* at stuff in stock
neck tattoo: pekka
bracelet: maxi gossamer *new* at collabor88
top: milk motion
shorts: tresblah *new* at collabor88
knee tattoo: umeboshi
feet: gos

Look 2 (middle)

hair: alice project
skin: the sugar garden
makeup: modish *new* at stuff in stock
necklace: vincue
rings: bens beauty
bracelets: maxi gossamer *new* at collabor88
bodysuit: wednesdays *new* at soho market
skirt: vive9
shoes: cashmere

Look 3 (right)

hair: eep
skin: al vulo
necklace: glam affair
top: pink acid *new* at soho market
vest: tokidoki
bracelet left: glam affair
bracelet right: lavallie
jeans: rekless ambitions *new* at soho market
shoes: gos