52 Weeks of Color – Playing Catch Up!

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I’ve missed out on a few weeks! I thought I’d throw together a few looks (very quickly) and post them today. I’ve been super busy trying to find a 2nd job and all sorts of other boring RL stuffs. Also SL has been really, really boring lately… so I usually only sign on when I am bored & have booze! If I log in when I’m sober I end up getting frustrated because I can’t find anything in my inventory…. and that makes trying to do a specific color themed blog post a bit frustrating! haha So here’s what I threw together (apologies for the lack of creativity and half-assedness on the info….I really despise my inventory right now!) quickly to get myself caught up on the color challenge!

Week 41 – Jazzberry

hair: lelutka
skin: glam affair
makeup: kyoot
top: the sea hole
skirt: the secret store
shoes: elikatira

Week 42 – Chartreuse

hair: lamb
skin: illusory
makeup: doremi
cardigan: ohmai
top: twosome
shorts: pig
shoes: armidi

Week 43 – Liver

hair: fashionably dead
skin: fashionably dead
bra: pig
top: ribbon
skirt: fishy strawberry
shoes: milk motion
…and of course with a color named “liver” I included a bottle of jack. I thought about just dressing up as a pickle.

poses by olive juice

Week 39 – Melon

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This weeks color is melon, and I chose to go with an actual outfit rather than just a photo with me in prim boobs. Ha! Melon is a hard color to capture since there are so many different kinds of tasty melons (I really should have a NSFW link ready to insert here)!

I love all of the rooted textures designers are using on hairs now.. it looks very true to life & alot of them make the hairs seem a bit softer to me. So check out my total look for melon below!

hair: shag *new* at the latest chic event!
skin: fashionably dead
makeup: grixdale
necklace: zaara
bracelet: trip (old item)
top: jane freebie
skirt: so many styles *new* at the dressing room
shoes: toki doki

poses by olive juice