Collabor88 in Second Life – One of my favorites!

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Most of the items you see are at Collabor88 this month! If you haven’t braved the lag* yet, you should do so soon!

hair: magika *new*
skin: glam affair *new* at collabor88
makeup (liner): cheap makeup
necklace: lagyo *new* at collabor88
top: the sea hole *new* at collabor88
skirt: the secret store *new* at fameshed
tattoo: ufo
shoes: gos


♥ ♥ ♥

*pro tip: To reduce lag during events like this go into Advanced > Rendering Types and turn off Avatars. You won’t be able to move (so it might not work well for events that take up a whole sim) but you can cam around with ease and there will be a LOT less lag. Thinks load sooo much faster for me since I’ve started doing that. I’ve been playing SL for a long time and I only just recently figured that one out. Dang.

Fourth time is a charm?

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That’s a thing, right?  Oh.. it isn’t?  Well.. this is the fourth domain I’ve had this site hosted under and hopefully this will be the last.  What better way to celebrate the new than to have an update with my best in-world buddy?!!? Meet Cheet. She’s the bee’s knees.


I love love love pastels. Lately most of my SL outfits have been inspired by some of the kawaii tumblr’s I follow and this one is no different. On to the good shit:

guin and cheet get their fashion on

On Cheets (left)
hair: lamb
skin: the sugar garden
eyes: mayfly
makeup: blah.
necklace: dossier
top: ison
skirt: the sea hole *new* at collabor88
shoes: gos

On Guin (right)
hair: lamb
skin: glam affair *new* at tdr fusion
eyes: fateeyes
makeup: cheap makeup, sugar heart
nail polish: rezipsaloc
bow: boom
dress: beetlebones
tattoo: ufo
shoes: gos

poses by glitterati, dfo!

I totally have to come clean… I saw the dress I am wearing on okkbye’s flickr feed earlier and loved it! I am also in love with the new shoes from GOS (so is Cheets). Now taking applications for a sugar daddy who will buy me a pair in every color! 😀

Also I am looking for link trades!! The only requirement is that your blog is in some way related to SL, it doesn’t have to be a fashion blog! If you are interested please leave a comment here or on my flickr or send me a message in-world (Guinevere Kirshner).

52 Weeks of Color – Playing Catch Up!

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I’ve missed out on a few weeks! I thought I’d throw together a few looks (very quickly) and post them today. I’ve been super busy trying to find a 2nd job and all sorts of other boring RL stuffs. Also SL has been really, really boring lately… so I usually only sign on when I am bored & have booze! If I log in when I’m sober I end up getting frustrated because I can’t find anything in my inventory…. and that makes trying to do a specific color themed blog post a bit frustrating! haha So here’s what I threw together (apologies for the lack of creativity and half-assedness on the info….I really despise my inventory right now!) quickly to get myself caught up on the color challenge!

Week 41 – Jazzberry

hair: lelutka
skin: glam affair
makeup: kyoot
top: the sea hole
skirt: the secret store
shoes: elikatira

Week 42 – Chartreuse

hair: lamb
skin: illusory
makeup: doremi
cardigan: ohmai
top: twosome
shorts: pig
shoes: armidi

Week 43 – Liver

hair: fashionably dead
skin: fashionably dead
bra: pig
top: ribbon
skirt: fishy strawberry
shoes: milk motion
…and of course with a color named “liver” I included a bottle of jack. I thought about just dressing up as a pickle.

poses by olive juice

52 Weeks of Color – Week 33 Mahogany

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This weeks color is Mahogany… a rich brownish-redish color inspired by nature. I thought about dressing up as a tree hehe but lelutka had sooo many amazing new releases that I couldn’t resist…. so here is what I came up with instead:

hat: lelutka *new*
skin: glam affair
makeup: grixdale *new* @ kozmetika
necklace: league *new*
top: fishy strawberry *new* @ tdr
shorts: lelutka *new*
shoes: milk motion

52 Weeks of Color – Week 3 Goldenrod

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This weeks color was tough for me to attempt without breaking down and buying new items. This blogger challenge has certainly made me aware of how limited my inventory is when it comes to a wide arrange of colors. So here is my take on GOLDENROD…

skin : glam affair – winter skin *new* (at TDR now)
eyes : poetic colors
hair : elikatira – wish
hair accessory : ohmai! – from DU
makeup/tattoo : glam affair
shawl : toki doki – shu cold
tank top : so many styles – loose tank *new* (at TDR now..i think?)
skirt : so many styles – chiffon lacey skirt – grey *new*
shoes : 50 flats – yellow

poses by LAP, fence by glitterati